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Please read full Important Safety Information for Dysport, for frown lines between the brows, including Distant Spread of Toxin Effect Boxed Warning at bottom of page.

Important Safety Information for Dysport

Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA) is a prescription injection for temporary improvement in the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) in adults less than 65 years of age.

Important Safety Information
What is the most important information you should know about Dysport? Spread of Toxin Effects: In some cases, the effects of Dysport and all botulinum toxin products may affect areas of the body away from the injection site. Symptoms can happen hours to weeks after injection and may include swallowing and breathing problems, loss of strength and muscle weakness all over the body, double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, hoarseness or change or loss of voice, trouble saying words clearly, or loss of bladder control. Swallowing and breathing problems can be life threatening and there have been reports of death. You are at the highest risk if these problems are pre-existing before injection.

These effects could make it unsafe for you to drive a car, operate machinery, or do other dangerous activities.

Do not have Dysport treatment if you: are allergic to Dysport or any of its ingredients (see the end of the Medication Guide for a list of ingredients), are allergic to cow's milk protein, had an allergic reaction to any other botulinum toxin product, such as Myobloc®, Botox®, or Xeomin®, have a skin infection at the planned injection site, under 18 years of age, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The dose of Dysport is not the same as the dose of any other botulinum toxin product and cannot be compared to the dose of any other product you may have used.

Tell your doctor about any swallowing or breathing difficulties and all your muscle or nerve conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease], myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome, which may increase the risk of serious side effects including difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing. Serious allergic reactions have occurred with the use of Dysport. Dry eye has also been reported.

Tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including if you have surgical changes to your face, very weak muscles in the treatment area, any abnormal facial change, injection site inflammation, droopy eyelids or sagging eyelid folds, deep facial scars, thick oily skin, wrinkles that can't be smoothed by spreading them apart, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant or breastfeed.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins and herbal and other natural products. Using Dysport with certain other medicines may cause serious side effects. Do not start any new medicines while taking Dysport without talking to your doctor first.

Especially tell your doctor if you: have received any other botulinum toxin product, such as Myobloc® (rimabotulinumtoxinB), Botox® (onabotulinumtoxinA), or Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA), in the last four months or any in the past (be sure your doctor knows exactly which product you received), have recently received an antibiotic by injection, take muscle relaxants, take an allergy or cold medicine, or take a sleep medicine.

Common Side Effects

The most common side effects are nose and throat irritation, headache, injection site pain, injection site skin reaction, upper respiratory tract infection, eyelid swelling, eyelid drooping, sinus inflammation, and nausea

Ask your doctor if Dysport is right for you.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Please see Dysport Full Prescribing Information including Medication Guide at

Important Safety Information for the Restylane® family of products

The Restylane family of products are indicated for patients over the age of 21, and includes Restylane®, Restylane-L ®, Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine, Restylane® Silk, Restylane® RefyneRestylane® Defyne, Restylane® Kysse, Restylane® Contour, and Restylane® Eyelight.


Restylane® and Restylane-L® are for mid-to-deep injection into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Restylane® and Restylane-L® are also indicated for injection into the lips.

Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is for deep implantation into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds and for cheek augmentation and for the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies. Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is also indicated for injection into the dorsal hand to correct volume loss.

Restylane® Silk is for lip augmentation and for correction of perioral wrinkles.

Restylane® Kysse is for lip augmentation and for correction of upper perioral wrinkles.

Restylane® Refyne is for mid-to-deep injection into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds.

Restylane® Defyne is for mid-to-deep injection into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe deep facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Restylane® Defyne is also indicated for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis (subcutaneous and/or supraperiosteal) for augmentation of the chin region to improve the chin profile in patients with mild to moderate chin retrusion.

Restylane® Contour is for cheek augmentation and for the correction of midface contour deficiencies.

Restylane® Eyelight is for the improvement of infraorbital hollowing.

Do not use if you have severe allergies with a history of severe reactions (anaphylaxis), are allergic to lidocaine or gram-positive bacterial proteins used to make hyaluronic acid, prone to bleeding, or have a bleeding disorder. The safety of use while pregnant or breastfeeding has not been studied. Tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or pigmentation disorders as these side effects can occur with hyaluronic acid fillers. Tell your doctor if you are planning other cosmetic treatments (i.e., lasers and chemical peels) as there is a possible risk of inflammation at the injection site.

Tell your doctor if you’re taking medications that lower your body’s immune response or affect bleeding, such as aspirin or warfarin, as these medications may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at the gel injection site. Using these products on gel injection sites with skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infections should be postponed until healing is complete.

The most common side effects are swelling, redness, pain, bruising, headache, tenderness, lump formation, itching at the injection site, and impaired hand function. Serious but rare side effects include delayed onset infections, recurrence of herpetic eruptions, and superficial necrosis at the injection site. The risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel is small but can occur and could result in serious complications, which may be permanent including, vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs, or permanent scarring of the skin. As with all skin injection procedures, there is a risk of infection.

To report a side effect with any Restylane® product, please call Galderma Laboratories, L.P at 1-855-425-8722.

To learn more about serious but rare side effects and full Important Safety Information, visit

Important Safety Information for Sculptra

Indication: Sculptra® (injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA)) is indicated for use in people with healthy immune systems for the correction of shallow to deep nasolabial fold contour deficiencies, fine lines and wrinkles in the cheek region, and other facial wrinkles.

Sculptra should not be used by people that are allergic to any ingredient of the product or have a history of keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring. Safety has not been established in patients who are pregnant, lactating, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age.

Sculptra has unique injection requirements and should only be used by a trained healthcare practitioner. Contour deficiencies should not be overcorrected because they are expected to gradually improve after treatment.

Sculptra should not be injected into the blood vessels as it may cause vascular occlusion, infarction or embolic phenomena. Use at the site of skin sores, cysts, pimples, rashes, hives or infection should be postponed until healing is complete. Sculptra should not be injected into the red area (vermillion) of the lip or in the peri-orbital area.

The most common side effects after initial treatment include injection site swelling, tenderness, redness, pain, bruising, bleeding, itching and lumps. Other side effects may include small lumps under the skin that are sometimes noticeable when pressing on the treated area. Larger lumps, some with delayed onset with or without inflammation or skin discoloration, have also been reported.

Sculptra is available only through a licensed practitioner. Complete Instructions for Use are available at

Important Safety Information for MENTOR® Breast Implants:

The MENTOR® Collection of Breast Implants are indicated for breast augmentation - in women who are at least 22 years old for MENTOR® MemoryGel® Breast Implants or MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants, and at least 18 years old for MENTOR® Saline Breast Implants.

Breast implant surgery should not be performed in women:

  • With active infection anywhere in their body

  • With existing cancer or pre-cancer of their breast who have not received adequate treatment for those conditions

  • Who are currently pregnant or nursing

Safety and effectiveness have not been established in patients with autoimmune diseases (for example lupus and scleroderma), a weakened immune system, conditions that interfere with wound healing and blood clotting, or reduced blood supply to breast tissue. Patients with a diagnosis of depression, or other mental health disorders, should wait until resolution or stabilization of these conditions prior to undergoing breast implantation surgery.

There are risks associated with breast implant surgery. You should be aware that breast implants are not lifetime devices and breast implantation may not be a one-time surgery. The chance of developing complications increases over time. You may need additional unplanned surgeries on your breasts because of complications or unacceptable cosmetic outcomes. Many of the changes to your breast following implantation are irreversible (cannot be undone) and breast implants may affect your ability to breastfeed, either by reducing or eliminating milk production.

Breast implants are not lifetime devices and breast implantation may not be a one-time surgery. The most common complications for breast augmentation with MemoryGel® Implants include any reoperation, capsular contracture, nipple sensation changes, and implant removal with or without replacement. The most common complications with MemoryShape® Implants for breast augmentation include reoperation for any reason, implant removal with or without replacement, and ptosis. A lower risk of complication is rupture. The health consequences of a ruptured silicone gel breast implant have not been fully established. MRI screenings are recommended three years after initial implant surgery and then every two years after to detect silent rupture. Breast implants are also associated with the risk of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), an uncommon type of lymphoma. An individual's risk of developing BIA-ALCL with MENTOR® Breast Implants is low based on the incidence of worldwide cases.

Detailed information regarding the risks and benefits associated with MENTOR® Breast Implants is provided in several educational brochures. For MemoryGel® Implants: Important Information for Augmentation Patients about MENTOR® MemoryGel® Breast Implants. For MemoryShape® Implants: Patient Educational Brochure - Breast Augmentation with MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants and Quick Facts about Breast Augmentation & Reconstruction with MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants. For MENTOR® Saline-filled Implants: Saline-Filled Breast Implants: Making an Informed Decision.

These brochures are available from your surgeon or visit It is important that you read and understand these brochures when considering MENTOR® Breast Implants.
